FAO álláshirdetés: Forestry Junior Technical Officer (Angol nyelvű!)
Forestry Junior Technical Officer pozícióra keresnek olyan jelölteket a FAO-nál, akik erdészettel kapcsolatos háttérrel rendelkeznek. A feladatok elvégzése során megszerzett munkatapasztalat nagyon hasznos, betekintést biztosít az erdészet legkülönbözőbb ágazataiba és lehetőséget ad nemzetközi kapcsolatépítésre is. Az angol nyelvű álláshirdetés alább elérhető!
Deadline for the application: 08 June 2016
The Ministry of Agriculture of Hungary is recruiting one candidate for the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (1068 Budapest, Benczúr u. 34.) with the following terms:
Duties and responsibilities
Under the general supervision of the Regional Representative for Europe and Central Asia (REU) and the direct supervision of the Forestry Officer (REU), the Junior Professional Officer will contribute to the office’s work on FAO programmes in forest land use and to the overall sustainable development of the forest sector in the region.
Specifically the incumbent will:
- collect data, perform data analysis and elaborate road maps for countries in the region in relation to forest management, and policies and institutions relevant for forest land use;
- elaborate joint studies, programmes and projects promoting sustainable, multifunctional forestry in individual countries and the region as a whole, and assisting countries to address cross-cutting issues such as climate change, and transboundary plant pests and diseases, taking account of REU’s Regional Initiative on empowering smallholders and family farms;
- provide assistance to REU professional staff in mainstreaming sustainable use of natural resources;
- contribute to visibility and communications activities (web-content development and updating);
- organise workshops, seminars and trainings related to forestry programmes and projects in the region, including dissemination of information through internet and other media;
- take notes and file documents as required;
- perform other related duties as assigned.
Candidates should fulfil the following requirements:
- Have a University degree at M.Sc. level or above in one of the following areas: forest engineering or any environmental or economic science applicable to forestry and other forms of forest land use as well as wood processing industries;
- Have at least two years of relevant professional working experience in the field of forest management or administration;
- Have a very good working knowledge of English, spoken and written with a capacity to write and edit working documents in English. Knowledge of Russian is welcomed;
- Possess excellent information technology skills, including word processing, database applications, presentation software, and the Internet;
- Have the ability to think strategically; to express ideas clearly; to work independently and in teams combined with cultural and gender sensitivity;
- Have a strong commitment to development; an interest in adapting to varied physical and professional environments; and a desire to work with people of different language, national and cultural backgrounds; and
- Demonstrated ability to work as an effective team member;
- Demonstrated initiative and ability to deliver results within deadlines.
Duration: Two Years Full time –non-renewable contract
Gross salary: 300.000 Ft/month.
Earliest start: 23 June 2016
Deadline for the application: 08 June 2016.
Hungarian citizenship
Please send your application only by email, to Ms. Gabriella Grüner (email address: gabriella.gruner@fm.gov.hu). You are requested to attach the following documents: CV with your job experience, school certificate, certificate of language skills. A moral certificate (erkölcsi bizonyítvány) will be required for employment.
For further questions about the job please contact Ms. Gabriella Grüner, at the Ministry of Agriculture, Department of EU and FAO Affairs; telephone: 1/795-1637.
(Erdő-Mező Online - www.erdo-mezo.hu)